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The Ultimate Guide to Successfully Marketing Your Epoxy Flooring and Coating Company

Running a business might sound big and industrious, but without the right strategy to make it profitable, one can end up closing in a very short time. These strategies in diverse ways range from broadcasting, billboards, direct mail, electronic mail, advertisement, showcasing, and so on, with each having its merit and demerit. In this article, we will reveal all the various ways you can market and generate more leads for your business. Hence, full concentration is advised throughout the reading. Carry on with us!

Things to do before marketing your Epoxy Flooring and coating company

There are various floor coatings & epoxy company marketing strategies. Each of these epoxy flooring marketing strategies can’t work without some initial steps. So here are some things to do before diving in:

★   Get The Best Flooring Customer Avatar

This is the first step to take before marketing for any business. In this step, you want to ask yourself the 5Ws question. Who are the people who will be interested in the business? What type of background do they have? When will they need your service? Where do they stay? Why do they need your service? These are the questions you want to ask yourself as much as possible, as it will make it easier to design a better marketing strategy that will suit you in the long run. The process of doing this is known as the avatar creation process.

★   Arrange Your Strategy

After you have answered the questions and have an ideal understanding of the market, organizing your strategy should be checked off your list. Of course, you want things to be done in an orderly manner. Hence, at this point, you want to identify the market strategies to target the ideal audience you have in mind.

Dominate the Market: Expert Strategies for Marketing Your Epoxy Flooring and Coating Business

Below are the various floor coatings & epoxy company marketing strategies to follow:

1.     Invest in a High-Converting Epoxy Flooring Website

The first thing you want to ensure during your epoxy flooring marketing is a high-converting website, as your website will serve as a storefront for your business online. Also, this is where potential customers will get to see a general overview of the epoxy flooring jobs your company offers and decide if they will use your services. Hence, a high-converting website is crucial.

2.   Acquaint Yourself with All the surrounding contractors

Sometimes, leads are generated indirectly. That is, you might land your clients or customers through someone you know. Therefore, introducing yourself to a list of contractors and service providers in your area is crucial, as they can serve as an indirect lead generation to your website. Another thing you can also do is create a website that will be dedicated to building partnerships with these sorts of companies.

3.   SEO that targets the right audience

SEO is a crucial step that needs to be taken to elevate your website’s online presence. SEO for concrete coatings is not a new thing, and it is not going anywhere, so SEO for epoxy flooring & coatings must be included in your strategy. Moreso, ensure you optimize your online presence with a professional company to land more clients and improve your business online. On the other hand, while doing this, the population in your area has to be considered. If it is a well-populated area, you might have to carry out a proper Search engine optimization audit and keyword research to find out the jobs in your area.

4.   Improve Online Review By 25% every 90 days

Reviews are a must-have for every epoxy flooring business. You want to collect as much review as possible and build it into customer service. Doing this will create credibility for your business and, hence, more clients.

5.    Run Ads via Facebook and get Inbound Leads

Another scheme you can incorporate into your marketing strategy is running advertisements on social media. This includes creating a page and running ads on Facebook. You can also make use of your WhatsApp to reach out to family and friends who might need your services, as this is about getting additional flooring targeted at your potential clients.

6.   Get Calls From Your Google Business Profile

Create a Google business profile that allows customers to reach you directly through calls so that whenever you list your posts and nice photos of your work, people can see your reviews and reach out to you directly. Doing this will get your Google posts more traction.

7.    Launch Your Inbound Calls with Targeted Google Ads

Running Google Ads for concrete coatings and epoxy flooring companies effectively requires a professional who has adequate knowledge about your business. Doing this will help you reduce the cost and also help your ads generate the best flooring leads for your concrete flooring company.

8.   Invest in Local Trade Shows

This is another marketing scheme that can help your flooring business generate more leads. This will allow you to have a face-to-face experience with potential customers, and this can serve as an opportunity to introduce your business to them while also handling a nice image and great showcasing materials.

9.   Create a Referral Program

This scheme seems to work better than imagined. All you have to do is to boost and motivate satisfied clients to share your business name with any individual who is searching for a flooring business like yours in the area, promising they will get something in return for every referral. It is easy to reach potential clients that way, as your satisfied customers can inform them of your expertise. Referrals should be the foundation for every business, but they might be hard to scale. However, if it is hitched with the right online marketing strategy, it very well may be the best lead generator for your company.

Final Thoughts

With the recent transformation in how we market our businesses online, we want to make sure we are handling our online business advertisements the proper way. Another thing to ensure is an efficient sales funnel. Hence, creating an online presence for your epoxy flooring is not the main deal, but generating a converting epoxy flooring leads that turn into sales.

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