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Flooring Website Design that Wins Homeowners Trust

Flooring Website Design that Wins Homeowners Trust

The feel of your flooring website landing page (homepage or services pages) has a direct correlation with your conversion rate. They better your leads feel about your home page, the more likely they are to call you and get a quote. I will go over the key elements that make a customer generating flooring website design.

Let’s see what you need to have a killer flooring website homepage:

Flooring website design - the hero section. get a quote, flooring business owners

Hero Section: the key to a winner flooring website design

Hero section is what your leads see when they land on your website, the first impression.

We rana 5-week test using user behavior tracking software across some websites before we made any changes to them to measure how impactful the hero section is. We realized that over 70% of users don’t scroll past the hero section, meaning they just bounce off your website.

I don’t know about you, but I think this is a terrible performance. At this point, you are basically wasting all your advertising dollars.

To sell the leads on the fact it’s going to be a great experience going through your website, we need a powerful hook.

The best hero section we have found to work, is having a decent picture of the business owner because people love real humans and not just buttons and texts.

The best combination is a picutre of business owner, picutre of all the staff, picture of company van/truck, phone number, free quote opt-in form, small 5-star trust badges and finally dreamy house to get them excited.

All of this should be placed in the hero section.

After the hero section when they are convinced to scroll down, we want to run the leads through a series of impactful sections so by the end of the home page they are fully sold.

Trust badges: gain homeowners respect instantly

Include as many trust badges and certificates as you can. This creates a sense of authority. Trust badges section can include your certificates, awards, logos of review platforms you are, authority medias within the flooring niche and guarantee badges.

Press Release: establish authority and raise your company’s status

Include publications or news outlets your company is mentioned on. When we do press releases for our clients, we try to get them on as many as 500 news websites. Some are local like Utah headlines or Nashville News Updates, and some are nationwide newspapers such Benzinga, MSN, Yahoo, and The Globe and the Mail.

Reviews & Testimonials: homeowners need to trust you, that’s non-negotiable

Your flooring leads need instant social proof to stay on your website. Include so many reviews and testimonials that it becomes annoying. That’s when you can stop.

Ask your customers for reviews on your Google Business listing. Print a business card with QR code link to your Google business profile and have them scan it.

Or simply text them the link to leave a review. Most users decide whether to work with you by the number of reviews you have. Start building that number up as soon as possible.

Neglecting reviews from your current customers can certainly be one of the things you might regret later. Some businesses pay hefty amounts to buy fake Google reviews just to bump up that number, that’s how valuable it is. Having reviews from your real customers is invaluable. The standard practice for getting reviews is automated text message using a CRM software.

Include links to your reviews on the front of your website. Flooring is a highly brand driven and as some say “Instagram-type” business, so having social proof can improve your website. Reviews might seem to have no connection to how you go about your flooring web design process, but in reality, flooring businesses that are successful most often include real reviews from customers on their website.

Explainer Video:

If the leads have stayed on your website until now, a good explainer video can be the reason they are sold. I can’t stress how powerful it is. The fact that you are willing to show yourself and be the face of your business, has significant power over leads as we have seen time and time again.

The about section in the best flooring website design

Your Story, your company/your team:

Include an emotional story of why you are in this business. People buy from people. And people love when something they are spending money is also giving them an emotional experience. Your story can help “humanize” your website.

Servies Description:

Now you have the opportunity to describe your services in detail. If visitors have stayed so far, they are probably going to read about your services. If you offer hardwood floors, you can replicate a successful hardwood flooring businesses websites listed on Wood Floor Business magazine.

This framework can increase your conversion rate and give your website a marketing-foundation. A website that is marketing oriented, becomes your forever weapon, that you can run ads on and send leads to and get amazing returns.

Commercial Flooring Website:

If you are interested in B2B sales to the commercial sectors, this blueprint becomes more important as a certain degree of authority is needed for decision-makers to consider your company. Whether you want property managers, contractors, designers or even apartment buildings as your customers, appearing as a known and trusted brand in your area can help further your commercial goals.

Free Quote: include an opt-in form at the bottom of your flooring website design

It’s a great practice to end your flooring sales funnel or website with a free quote request form. This way, leads that were not convinced at the beginning of the page have another opportunity to opt-in and become a customer. Giving visitors and leads as many chances to convert, and making easy for them to opt-in and give you their information is the easiest way to increare your conversion rate.

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